Weakened Immune System
Probiotics are known to be helpful in strengthening the body’s natural defences, with their positive effect on the immune system. Feeling unwell, stress or a poor diet can alter the balance of intestinal microflora. Physical and mental stress can be caused by changes of season and temperature, to cold and damp, or vice versa to heat and to sun exposure.
A balanced diet should be followed. Consumption of foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa, such as fizzy or sugary drinks, coffee, alcohol and fried foods, should be reduced. Taking lactic acid supplements helps to restore the proper balance of intestinal flora and restore the efficiency of the immune system.
Prolife - Vis Energia e Difesa
Maintains the balance of bacterial flora in the intestine
Prolife - D 1000 Zero Zuccheri
Prolife - Pappa Reale
Probiotici e pappa reale in un unico prodotto per ritrovare tono e grinta
Live Lactic Acid Bacteria Supplement